The power of high-five ✋
It’s been less then two months since I joined Airtame. I went through a regular interview process, people were super humble and the entire process was more than I could ask for but there was that one thing that cought my eye, it was the high-five.
At Airtame, we have a culture of high-five. Every time you come to work or about to leave, you’ll go to every employee regardless of what they do and greet them with the powerful, high-five.
But why is it so powerful, one might ask ?
Let me tell you, milord, milady. A high-five is respect, attention, a moment of care for your friends, co-workers.
It’s an acknowledgment, a thing we all need to feel valued, to feel being part of something. This little gesture, a simple act is what makes Airtame the best place to work at.
Productivity, a will to advance and contribute is not just brought by materialism. It’s not enough to increase the payroll and expect your employee to produce more. We are human, we need attention, acceptance, we need kindness.
Is the high-five just one brick which gives identity to a company ? Can we add more bricks, more simple gestures which will make us value what we do and how we approach others even more ?
Us, mortals, we often use phrases like “a good fit, a bad fit, a misfit” but in a culture of kindness, its easy to assimilate because there’s a platform for that. It’s much easier to be kind, to be nice, it takes no energy, no effort, we just behave and express our true inner-selves. Culture of kindness is hard to resist, it craves addiction, it changes you.
What do you do in your company to create this addiction ? What is your high-five ? Share some of your experiences and let’s try to become better, as people, as employees, as employers.